Integrated production system
We manage organic tea plantations, produce and process tea leaves, develop new tea products. With our unique integrated and attentive tea production system, we provide products that meet our customer needs, including tea as a food ingredient and OEM, with highest quality tea.

Abe Tea (Japanese Sencha green tea)
The tea is grown in the misty mountains of the Abe River basin, which flows into Shizuoka City. The soil is rich in minerals and well drained, allowing the tea plants to store nutrients and grow strongly on their own. The tea has a smooth taste, yet characterized by its strong flavor and fresh aroma, packed with the vitality of the tea leaves, and its brewed color is golden.
Organic teas
Our organic tea selections are certified by JONA (Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association), a certification body authorised by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) and accredited under ISO 17065.


Roasting tea leaves
Since its founding, we specialize in adjusting the heat from low to high in order to bring out the best characteristics of the tea. The unique roasting process, in which the tea is roasted to the limit of sencha (before it becomes hojicha), is a technique developed by Enji together with his team through trial and error, and has become one of Marufuku’s strengths.

Planning & Developing new products
We will plan and develop products that make the most of the characteristics of tea. Please feel free to contact us even at the planning stage to discuss the creation of original teas or food ingredients, etc. Our original product Pochage, which is a combination of green tea and potage soup, had received a numerous awards.
Quality assurance
Shizuoka Mini HACCP
Shizuoka Prefecture’s own food sanitary management system incorporating HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) system methods.
We have a certified preventive controls qualified personnel by the US Food Safety and Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA).
FDA(Food and Drug Administration)
We meet the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and US regulations.
Product inspection
We have a sanitary laboratory within our factory to carry out inspections. We confidently deliver safe and secure products to our customers.